Source Code¶
On my GitHub This code is wrapped in a class which makes it harder to post to a Notebook (a few too many lines for a post).
Segmenting Fundus Images with kNN¶
After preprocessing the images as described in a previous post, I tried to extract learnable features by applying the k-nearest neighbors algorithm. In order to seed the cluster I have applied my (immense) domain knowledge in the area of retinology. I used the annotations tool that comes with OpenCV. It resides in the applications folder of the OpenCV project created with CMake and built with Visual Studio 2013.
I ran the tool on a small set of images and selected the following regions (to the best of my knowledge acquired after reading articles on retinopathy and watching slides). This produces a text file where each line has the following format:
annotations\1196_right.jpeg $\color{green}{10\ 1318\ 182\ 22}\color{red}{\ 12\ 1356\ 195\ 8}$…
Here after the name of the file are the coordinates of annotated rectangles, where each rectangle is a 4-tuple: $(x, y, \Delta x, \Delta y)$, where $(x, y)$ are the coordinates of the left top corner and the rest are lenghts of the sides of the rectangle.
I have annotated 10 rectangles in the following order:
- 0 – 1: drusen/exudates
- 2 – 3: texture
- 4 – 5: Camera effects
- 6 – 7: Haemorages/blood vessels
- 8 – 9: Optic Disc
and did these annotations for 7 images selected at random
I used k-nearest neighbors algorithm to segment each image:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
%run "../"
# path to the images preprocessed by histogram specification from 16_left.jpeg
root = '/kaggle/retina/train/labelled' # root of a tree, where each subdirectory is a class label of the image (0 - 4)
annotations = 'annotations.txt' # annotations file
masks_dir = '/kaggle/retina/train/masks' # masks produced during preprocessing, identifying the eye
im_file = '4/16_left.jpeg' # preprocessed image
knn = KNeighborsRegions(root, im_file, annotations, masks_dir, n_neighbors = 3)
In order to seed the clusters, I read the annotatations from all ten regions of the seven files, and for each region stacked them together, averaged the images and then averaged the resulting image. I thus obtained a 1×1 seed for each of the 5 classes I wanted to learn, 2 seeds for each class (i.e., in the current scheme of things, two neighbors vote for the same class) :
# these functions are not called directly by users of the class
knn._rects = np.array([])
knn._avg_pixels = np.array([])
# this is what our seeds look like
(These do look like swatches of fabric or paint samples…)
Now we simply apply the KNeighborsClassifier() from scikit-learn to learn our classes:
# first need to set the class labels
knn.labels = [Labels.Drusen, Labels.Drusen, Labels.Background, Labels.Background,
Labels.CameraHue, Labels.CameraHue,
Labels.Haemorage, Labels.Haemorage, Labels.OD, Labels.OD]
segments = knn.analyze_image()
# segmented image
Let’s see how we did on regions of interest (drusen, haemorages):
knn.display_artifact(segments, Labels.Drusen, (0, 255, 0), "Drusen")
knn.display_artifact(segments, Labels.Haemorage, (0, 0, 255), "Haemorages")